Summer Melon Salad [RECIPE]

Summer Melon Salad is a subtly sweet and totally delicious. (Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

When summertime melons are at the peak of freshness, they are quite delicious on their own. But sometimes we bring them together in this wonderful side dish that guests always seem to remember. Drizzled and tossed in a subtle citrus glaze, these warm weather treats suddenly go from yum to wow!

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Tartar Sauce [RECIPE]

Tartar Sauce
Make your own tartar sauce. It’s super easy! (Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

Nearly every time we buy a jar of tartar sauce at the store, we wind up tossing it out because it expires before we can use it all. Now we just make it ourselves. It tastes better, is super fresh, and it makes the perfect amount for one dinner. Best of all, it is really easy to prepare. Serve it with fish, French fries, or even on top of your favorite burger.

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Herb Melon Salad [RECIPE]

Herb melon salad
Chill out with this delicious herb melon salad. (Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

Earth is heating up pretty much everywhere, but especially here in Texas where we are no stranger to triple digit temperatures. On those super-hot days, we actively avoid cranking up the oven and prefer to look for refreshing, cool eats like this herb melon salad. Using farm fresh melons and herbs straight from our backyard, this is one of those dishes that only gets tastier the longer it sits in the fridge. If you plan to entertain, make it a day ahead for optimal flavor. It goes great with pretty much everything!

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Zucchini and Ham Pie [RECIPE]

Zucchini and Ham Pie
Our Zucchini and Ham Pie comes together in about 30 minutes! (Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

Every summer, zucchini always seems to grow plentifully. This is a fabulous way to transform that squash into a quick, easy, and delicious dish your family will love. Just serve with a tossed green salad for a complete meal or serve it as a yummy side that goes perfect with your favorite fish or grilled meats.

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Simon Fairfax’s Pasta Schizophrenica [RECIPE]

(Photo courtesy Simon Fairfax)

Simon Fairfax, author of the new Medieval saga that begins with A Knight and a Spy 1410, is not only a very capable writer, he also knows his way around a kitchen. He received this recipe from “Alice’s” (the Contessa’s) mother (see our recent interview for details), who calls it Pasta Schizophrenica, as it turns out differently each time! The good thing is, like so many typical Italian dishes, there’s really no right or wrong when preparing this dish, hence the name. In essence, this is very simple and quick to prepare, and can be made in about 10 minutes. “But you must use good quality, fresh ingredients,” Simon says. “This recipe includes what works on a regular basis. However, you could use no basil or more pepper; passata rather than chopped tomatoes; pasta instead of gnocchi; sliced pancetta rather than cubed; etc., etc. Well, you get the picture! Pork, especially wild boar—Cinghiale—is very popular around Tarquinia/North Lazio and features in many dishes.” We hope you enjoy this recipe, as written and photographed by Simon himself. —J&H

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