Let Dan Buettner’s ‘The Blue Zones Challenge’ Be Your Catalyst for Change [REVIEW]

Couple running by beach
Achieve a healthier, happier life with The Blue Zones Challenge. (Photo courtesy Canva)

We all want to live longer, especially in today’s day and age when just waking up the next day seems like an accomplishment. But what’s the secret to a long, healthy life? Dan Buettner has spent the past 20 years interviewing centenarians around the globe, looking for the answer to that question. The result is that he located the world’s Blue Zones, five areas with the greatest concentration of these individuals. In his previous books, he shared his findings with us. Now, with The Blue Zones Challenge, he is ready to teach all of us how to change, improve, and hopefully even lengthen our lives in just four weeks!

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Discover How to Thrive in Adversity in Michelle Pearce’s ‘Night Bloomers’ [REVIEW]

Do some people, like flowers, only thrive in the dark? (Photo courtesy Canva)

A person’s perception is their reality. No matter how you spin the conversation, if someone perceives the situation one way you will not win them over to another point of view. Only that individual can chose to see another viewpoint. But in Michelle Pearce’s Night Bloomers, she uses the analogy of a flower that blooms at night to help readers look at themselves when it comes to growth.

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This Is Not the Time to Give Up

Don't give up
We may be weary, but we cannot quit. (Photo courtesy Canva)

Till now, we have hesitated to say much about the pandemic because we know it is a hot-button issue that has polarized communities the world over. Still, as I write this, more than 2 million people have died from the Coronavirus, with the vast majority of those being here in the United States. With more than 97 million confirmed cases worldwide, the numbers are still climbing and they are staggering. This is no longer a virus that only affects people in other countries, nor is it an exaggeration, a hoax, or fake news. It is just the facts.

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Learning to Embrace Strangers is One of Marriage’s Best Lessons

Man drinking coffee

Sometimes the person who needs you the most is the one you haven’t met yet. (Photo by Neil Moralee, Flickr)

When you’re married for nineteen years, you tend to learn a thing or two from your spouse. Anyone who knows us will readily tell you that Heather is the demonstrative one in our relationship. She’s widely known for just grabbing people and giving them a hug, even if they’re a complete stranger. Although I know this now, I didn’t always, and the concept of doing this in public used to unsettle me. I’ll give you an example. Read more of this post

It Takes Courage to Be Empathetic


We can’t take away the pain of the world, but we can make it more tolerable when we are empathetic. (Photo by Arwen Abenstern – KWP, Flickr)

Those of you who follow along with us on a regular basis may have realized that we frequently introduce books that celebrate people, whether real or fictitious, who make a difference in the lives of others. Three of our diamond reviewed books come immediately to mind: My Glory Was I Had Such FriendsThe Trick, and our most recent volume, What Blooms from Dust. What is it that these volumes have in common? The answer is easy: empathy.  Read more of this post