Katey Walter Anthony’s ‘Chasing Lakes’ Is About Much More Than Scientific Discovery [REVIEW]

Walking in the arctic
(Photo courtesy Canva)

Katey Walter Anthony has loved nature and science and marveled at the world around her since childhood. But as she grew toward adulthood, her life unraveled until darkness threatened to consume her. Desperate for answers to some of life’s toughest questions, her journey takes her from the Sierra Nevada to some of the farthest reaches of the planet. What she discovers along the way will ultimately change her life, her heart, and her faith. Discover her truth in the captivating memoir, Chasing Lakes: Love, Science, and the Secrets of the Arctic.

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Discover Epic New Ski Runs in National Geographic’s ‘100 Slopes of a Lifetime’ [REVIEW]

Person skiing down the slopes
Strap on your skis and prepare for adventure with National Geographic’s 100 Slopes of a Lifetime. (Photo courtesy Canva)

If you’ve ever been skiing, whether you were learning on the bunny slopes or flying down a black diamond run, you simply have to close your eyes to be transported back to that one unforgettable day on the mountain. If you’re like me, I bet you can still smell the crisp, clean, pine-scented air. Or maybe you even find yourself involuntarily squinting as you recall how the blinding sun reflects off the snow like a million glittering diamonds. Most of all, I’m sure you will never forget the exhilaration you felt as you soared over the powder, the wind rushing up to meet you until you feel like you will simply take flight at any moment. Whether you ski or snowboard, you know that there is nothing quite so magical as being on the side of a mountain, soaking up nature, having fun with your friends. Now, National Geographic wants to ensure you experience plenty more snow days like that one, and with their new book they’re going to show you 100 Slopes of a Lifetime that will leave your mouth gaping open in awe.

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Debbie Macomber Makes Us Want Our Own ‘Alaskan Holiday’ [REVIEW]

Lodge in Alaska

When a young chef takes a job in a remote Alaskan town, she doesn’t expect to turn a short-term gig into a lifetime commitment. (Photo by Markus Trienke, Flickr)

She’s just trying to make friends while she works in a tiny Alaskan town for the season. He’s fallen head over heels in love with the town’s newest resident. She looks forward to returning to the big city to start her career. He wants her to stay forever as his wife. Who will win this contest of wills? Find out in Debbie Macomber’s charming new novel, Alaskan Holiday. Read more of this post

Forensic Artist Uncovers ‘Formula of Deception’ in Carrie Stuart Parks’ New Thriller [REVIEW]

The motion of drawing

An artist uses her talents to uncover long-buried secrets in Carrie Stuart Parks’ Formula of Deception. (Photo by Kendra, Flickr)

She did everything she could to escape. She got out of town. She moved to a remote location. She changed her name and hit the reboot button on her life. But the past has finally caught up with her. Does she have the mettle to survive the approaching storm once again? Find out in Carrie Stuart Park’s captivating new thriller, Formula of Deception.  Read more of this post

Fasten Your Seat Belts Before Reading Karen Robards’ Nail-Biting Thriller ‘Darkness’ [REVIEW]


Karen Robards taps into our deepest fears in DARKNESS. (Photo by English Rose247, Flickr)

Karen Robards’ latest novel, Darkness, captivated me from the very first sentence. “It was an ordinary flight, on an ordinary day, full of ordinary people. Until it wasn’t.” Then the unthinkable happens and the plan crashes into the mountains. No one knows why. As someone who is already a nervous flier, this story line had my palms sweating right from the start.  Read more of this post