Katey Walter Anthony’s ‘Chasing Lakes’ Is About Much More Than Scientific Discovery [REVIEW]

Walking in the arctic
(Photo courtesy Canva)

Katey Walter Anthony has loved nature and science and marveled at the world around her since childhood. But as she grew toward adulthood, her life unraveled until darkness threatened to consume her. Desperate for answers to some of life’s toughest questions, her journey takes her from the Sierra Nevada to some of the farthest reaches of the planet. What she discovers along the way will ultimately change her life, her heart, and her faith. Discover her truth in the captivating memoir, Chasing Lakes: Love, Science, and the Secrets of the Arctic.

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Adventurer Bear Grylls Inspires Readers to Live Boldly and ‘Never Give Up’ [REVIEW]

Bear Grylls
“I look worried here because moments earlier the photographer sent to join this adventure almost stepped back over a cliff face!” (Photo courtesy RealBearGrylls/Facebook)
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In Never Give Up, the sequel to Bear Grylls’ first autobiography, the British adventurer proves he still has plenty of stories to tell about life on television, his exploits in the great outdoors, and the people who have taken the journey alongside him.

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National Geographic’s ‘Lost Cities, Ancient Tombs’ is a Must Have for Every Armchair Adventurer [REVIEW]

King Tut's golden tomb in Egypt
King Tut’s golden tomb in Egypt (Photo courtesy Canva)

Ever since I was a boy sitting in a darkened cinema watching Indiana Jones scramble to find some ancient artifact, I have been fascinated by archaeology. After all, who wouldn’t want to unearth a fabled treasure that is thousands of years old? Indy made it all seem so glamorous and exciting (barring ancient curses, of course). But all of that was make believe. Over the years, however, real life adventurers have found authentic relics shrouded in even more mystery and lore than those on the silver screen, which is even more titillating. Now, National Geographic has compiled a volume covering 100 of these amazing discoveries in their new book, Lost Cities, Ancient Treasures, and we are sure you’re going to love it!

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Kerry Lonsdale’s ‘Last Summer’ Will Keep You Guessing [REVIEW]

Blonde woman

A tragic accident robs a journalist of more than just her memory in Kerry Lonsdale’s Last Summer. (Photo courtesy Canva)

A successful journalist. Her wealthy husband. The tragic car accident that robs them of their unborn child. When she seeks answers about what happened, will she find them? Or should she leave well enough alone? Find out in Kerry Lonsdale’s suspenseful new novel, Last Summer.  Read more of this post