Adventurer Bear Grylls Inspires Readers to Live Boldly and ‘Never Give Up’ [REVIEW]

Bear Grylls
“I look worried here because moments earlier the photographer sent to join this adventure almost stepped back over a cliff face!” (Photo courtesy RealBearGrylls/Facebook)
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In Never Give Up, the sequel to Bear Grylls’ first autobiography, the British adventurer proves he still has plenty of stories to tell about life on television, his exploits in the great outdoors, and the people who have taken the journey alongside him.

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Robert D. Ballard Dared to Go ‘Into the Deep’ and Resurfaced a Legend [REVIEW]

Oceanographer Robert Ballard has conducted more than 150 underwater expeditions and made countless significant scientific discoveries during more than six decades of ocean exploration. (Photograph by Gabriel Scarlett, National Geographic)

We’ve always been big fans of Clive Cussler’s Dirk Pitt and NUMA books because the idea of having underwater adventures, locating sunken ships and digging up buried treasure is just so darn cool. But you know what is even better? Knowing that there are actually people in this world who actually get to have similar escapades in real life! Enter Robert D. Ballard. If you don’t recognize the name, you know what he’s capable of. Don’t think so? Well, have you ever heard of Titanic? He’s the one who discovered the ship at the bottom of the sea! Yet he has also done so much more, a fact his mom doesn’t want you to forget! Now you can read all about his life and exploits in his brand new memoir, Into the Deep, which he co-wrote with Christopher Drew.

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The Guardians Risk Everything in Their Search for the ‘Island of Glass’ [REVIEW]


In the epic conclusion to the Guardians trilogy, the team must travel to Ireland in search of the elusive Island of Glass. (Photo by Will Cockram, Flickr)

With the world in imminent danger, six gifted adventurers are on a legendary quest to find the key to saving the world and each other. But as they travel to Ireland on the last leg of their journey, will they find what they seek in time or will mankind soon find itself shrouded in darkness for eternity? Find out in Nora Roberts’ final installment of the Guardians trilogy, Island of Glass. Read more of this post