Let Dan Buettner’s ‘The Blue Zones Challenge’ Be Your Catalyst for Change [REVIEW]

Couple running by beach
Achieve a healthier, happier life with The Blue Zones Challenge. (Photo courtesy Canva)

We all want to live longer, especially in today’s day and age when just waking up the next day seems like an accomplishment. But what’s the secret to a long, healthy life? Dan Buettner has spent the past 20 years interviewing centenarians around the globe, looking for the answer to that question. The result is that he located the world’s Blue Zones, five areas with the greatest concentration of these individuals. In his previous books, he shared his findings with us. Now, with The Blue Zones Challenge, he is ready to teach all of us how to change, improve, and hopefully even lengthen our lives in just four weeks!

National Geographic

While I’ve never believed in making New Year resolutions, I think most of us like to identify points in our lives where we can make significant changes to the way we do things. With 2022 just around the corner, we all hope the pandemic will finally draw to a close so we can improve our daily lives and get out in the world again. That being the case, the publication of this companion to Buettner’s previous books has arrived just in time for us to identify where we can make changes to be happier and healthier in the year to come.

What changes will you make? If you’re like us, you probably want to get off the couch and get active again. Maybe you want to drop the COVID 20, those extra pounds we all seemed to pack on being at home all the time for the past two years. And surely you have missed seeing your peeps and are ready to reunite with friends and family, exchange hugs and find reasons to laugh again. Buettner shows us why these changes are needed, and why being unable to do these things has left us all feeling deprived. But more importantly, he packs this book full of great examples of how being active, eating a balanced diet, and associating with friends is integral to our health, mental wellbeing, and even our longevity of life. He calls these things the Blue Zones Power 9®, and he breaks down why they are important in all our lives.

Even prior to the pandemic, the way most of us live has been making us sick. We have gotten away from the way we were designed to move, eat, live and play. Our technological advances and daily conveniences are helpful but having such a heavy reliance on them has robbed us of our vitality, and in some cases, our happiness. In this book, Buettner outlines changes we can make in our own life, home, and community to turn our house into our own little Blue Zone! Using the gentle nudges and daily reminders outlined in this little book’s pages can help us all find meaning in our lives, connect with others, eat better and make healthier choices every day.

Reading this book is like having a terrific conversation with a smart, witty, fascinating life coach who really knows his stuff. In just four weeks, Buettner will help you start to love your life again, because he’ll show you how to find people to help you overcome loneliness, get moving, and simply start feeling good again. When is the last time you can remember really doing that? Well, 2022 is going to be a great time to start. So run, don’t walk, to your nearest bookstore and get this nifty little volume. Let The Blue Zones Challenge be your catalyst toward a new life. It will help you analyze, pivot, and ultimately transform your life for the better.


Dan Buettner
(Photo by Theo and Juliet Photography)

Dan Buettner is the founder of Blue Zones, an organization that helps Americans live longer, healthier, happier lives.

His groundbreaking work on longevity led to his 2005 National Geographic cover story “The Secrets of Long Life” and four national bestsellers: The Blue Zones, Thrive, The Blue Zones Solution, and The Blue Zones Kitchen. He is also the author of The Blue Zones of Happiness.

He lives in Miami, Florida. Find him on DanBuettner.com and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

One of the world’s leading nonfiction publishers, National Geographic has published more than 1,700 titles, featuring such categories as history, travel, nature, photography, space, science, health, biography, and memoir.

A portion of its proceeds is used to fund exploration, conservation, and education through ongoing contributions to the work of the National Geographic Society.

To find out more about Nat Geo, visit NationalGeographic.com, like them on Facebook, or follow them on TwitterInstagram, and Snapchat.

By Dan Buettner
240 pp. National Geographic. $19.99.

Purchase The Blue Zones Challenge direct from Jathan & Heather Books or from one of these fine online retailers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Half Price Books, Hudson Booksellers, IndieBound, Powell’s, Target, or Walmart.

The Blue Zones Challenge is brought to you in association with TLC Book Tours.

About Jathan Fink
Jathan is a journalist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. He is also a travel junkie, foodie and jazz aficionado. A California native, he resides in Texas.

2 Responses to Let Dan Buettner’s ‘The Blue Zones Challenge’ Be Your Catalyst for Change [REVIEW]

  1. Pingback: Review: The Blue Zones Challenge, by Dan Buettner | Bibliotica

  2. Sara Strand says:

    I think this would be the perfect gift for someone to start 2022 with! Thank you for being on this tour. Sara @ TLC Book Tours

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