‘There Will Be Lobster’ Examines One Woman’s Battle with Depression and Anxiety [REVIEW]

Even when your world is turned upside down, there are things to look forward to… including lobster. (Photo courtesy Canva)

We hate to admit it, but we are right there in the zone when so many of our friends are going through a midlife crisis for various reasons. Spouses flip their wigs and ask for divorces after decades of marriage. Others are devastated when they suddenly lose their mates in death. Parents watch their kids leave the nest and don’t know what to do with themselves. And so many lose their jobs due to downsizing, the pandemic, or something else. The list goes on and on, and it can all become a bit much. Few people really like change, and when it comes at you with both barrels, it can be near impossible to deal with. Enter Sara Arnell, a successful businesswoman who was at the top of her game before she faced similar struggles. Now in her memoir, There Will Be Lobster, she shares a message of hope and survival, and how she managed to get her life back on track after being derailed in a spectacular fashion.

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Jill Shalvis’ ‘My Kind of Wonderful’ is a Charming Read with Loads of Heart [REVIEW]


A cancer survivor takes to the slopes in Jill Shalvis’s My Kind of Wonderful. (Photo courtesy Canva)

She’s a survivor. Now given a second chance at life, she fully intends to take it. But will she be able to embrace the new adventures life brings her way when they involve risking her heart? Find out in Jill Shalvis’ delightful novel, My Kind of Wonderful. Read more of this post

Chaos, Betrayal and Deceit Abound in Sandra Brown’s ‘Tailspin’ [REVIEW]


A skilled pilot is determined to get his cargo to its destination in one piece in Sandra Brown’s Tailspin. (Photo courtesy Canva)

A daring pilot. A mysterious package. A race against time. Will he be able to keep his cargo from getting into the wrong hands? Find out in Sandra Brown’s thrilling novel,  Tailspin. Read more of this post

J.T. Ellison’s ‘Tear Me Apart’ is Deliciously Deranged [REVIEW]

Ski Race Day

An unfortunate skiing accident unravels the perfect family in J.T. Ellison’s Tear Me Apart. (Photo by Simon Hannaford, Flickr)

She had everything ahead of her. She’d put in the work and was determined to make it to the Olympics. But then a fluke accident sends her hurtling down the slopes and into the hospital. Yet her troubles have just begun, because a hospital procedure is about to bring her entire life crashing down around her in J.T. Ellison’s latest novel of diabolical suspense, Tear Me Apart. 
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Learning to Cope—from J.T. Ellison’s ‘Tear Me Apart’ [EXCERPT]

Cancer hair

To help her niece cope with her cancer diagnosis, a loving aunt trims off her long locks in J.T. Ellison’s Tear Me Apart. (Photo by North Caroline National Guard, Flickr)


If you’ve been reading with us for a while, you know that we love J.T. Ellison. Over the years, we’ve discovered that she’s more than just a terrific writer. She’s also a funny lady, an amazingly nice person, a loving wife, a consummate bibliophile and a fellow book nerd, which are all attributes we love about her. That’s why we’re always delighted when we get the opportunity to share her latest book with you. We hope you enjoy this excerpt from her forthcoming novel, Tear Me Apart. It’s the kind of thriller that we love, which blows the roof off a family to see if it can weather the storm. Enjoy! —Jathan & Heather Read more of this post