Stephen King Hands Readers the Keys to Another World in Forthcoming Novel, ‘Fairy Tale’ [COVER REVEAL]

Old shed door
A locked shed hides well kept secrets in Stephen King’s forthcoming book, Fairy Tale. (Photo courtesy Canva)

Legendary author Stephen King has long been the reigning master of horror. But his novels are more than just scary stories about things that go bump in the night. They are insightful forays into the human psyche that examine our deepest fears and desires. While his books consistently entertain, more often than not, they also teach us valuable lessons about life and make us examine who we want to be. That’s why I’m always thrilled to discover when a new King novel is due to be released, and it sounds like his forthcoming story is going to be a doozy.

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Second Chance Romance Gets a Little Help in Lizzie Shane’s ‘To All the Dogs I’ve Loved Before’ [REVIEW]

Australian Shepherd
(Photo courtesy Canva)

In a small town, it’s hard to avoid people. Especially when one of those folks dumped you. But when you have an adorable dog with a mischievous streak a mile wide, these encounters are going to happen more often. Will this couple be able to bury the hatchet and give love a second chance? Find out in Lizzie Shane’s latest Pine Hollow novel, To All the Dogs I’ve Loved Before.

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Twelve Adorable Mutts Search for Their Forever Homes in Lizzie Shane’s Heartfelt New Novel [REVIEW]

English Bulldog being lazy
He might be 90 percent drool, but even a bulldog like Partridge deserves a home. (Photo courtesy Canva)

She’s a big city girl in search of her purpose. He’s a small town guy trying to make everyone else happy. When their paths collide, it is disdain at first sight. Will they be able to overcome their differences in time to save twelve innocent canines from an uncertain future? Find out in Lizzie Shane’s charming new novel.

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Help Your Dog Beat the Heat with Homemade Pupcicles [RECIPE]

Henry eats his pupcicle

Henry eats one of his pupcicles, a homemade frozen treat he begs for every time the weather turns hot. (Photo by Jathan Fink, Jadeworks Entertainment)

As the temperatures rise, our furry canine friends can be found in a spot of shade panting away in the heat of the day, trying to stay cool. You can help them chill by serving up our tasty pupcicles, a frozen treat they’ll go crazy for. Best part of all, it is super simple to make. Henry couldn’t eat them fast enough last summer, and he’s already begging for them again this year and it isn’t even all that hot yet. Read more of this post

6 Pet Safety Tips to Keep Your Furry Friends at Home

Cat and dog

Keep your pets from disappearing forever. (Photo courtesy Canva)

We love our dog Henry, but every now and then he has a tendency to pull a Houdini and escape. Once, while I was cooking, I left him napping by the back door only to get a call from a neighbor who found him playing with her daughter down the street. Another time, I was washing laundry and left him napping on the sofa. Twenty minutes later I get a phone call from a different neighbor saying that he was sitting patiently by the entrance to the dog park awaiting entry. So what can we do as pet parents to keep our furry children at home? Here are six tips that might just keep them from getting lost for good. Read more of this post